Thursday, April 2, 2020

I've decided to add the outcomes in detail to each lesson from now on. These learner outcomes are taken directly from the Alberta Education  Kindergarten Curriculum.When planning lessons we refer to these. I thought that as parents that you might find it interesting. As a teacher I love planning lessons in which the children are learning but they are having fun at the same time!
Here are today's lessons:-

-determine the main points or ideas in a media presentation
-draws, records or tells about ideas and experiences
-seeks information from a variety of sources, such as people at school, at home, in the community, picture books, photographs and videos
-responds to and interprets visual images, by reviewing natural forms, everyday objects and artworks
Watch this video from the Calgary Zoo. I haven't yet mastered how to attach a link to this program yet so I'm afraid that you'll have to type the link into your browser for today. I'm working on it though!

 Draw your animal in the wild or in their zoo habitat in your visual journal.

-subitize (recognize at a glance) and name familiar arrangements of 1-5 objects or dots.
relate a numeral, 1-10, to its respective quantity
-compare quantities 1 to 10 using one-to-one correspondence

Anything that you can stack... blocks,lego,snap cubes ...
1. Children take turns with a partner rolling a dice and building a tower to match the size that they rolled.
2. Have your child place their towers in order from smallest to largest. If a student already has a tower of that size they skip their turn.
3. The goal is to be the first student to complete a staircase from size one to six.
How do you know the order the towers go in?
Could you use towers that you have already built to quickly know how many blocks you need for other towers/
1.Play without the dice and have students just build towers of sizes one to six and order the towers based on size.
2. Play the game with two dice trying to be the first to have a staircase of sizes two to twelve.
3. Allow building and combining of duplicate size steps. if a student has two 2s and two 3s they can combine a two and three to make their step of size five.
Our students of the day today are:

Elliana                                                                          Emmylou