Monday, September 30, 2019

We are currently collecting food items for our annual St Luke's Feed The Hungry Food Drive. We have a large cardboard box ready for goodies in the classroom. Kindergarten has been asked to donate crackers, canned fruit, kidney/black/chick/lima beans.
Stay warm out there!

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Bonjour! Mark October 3 on your calendar!It's picture day!

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Just a little reminder now that fall is officially here to please label all of your child's clothing that they take to school. This includes jackets, snowpants, boots, shoes, gloves and mittens!

The Kindergarten morning class will be taking part in the Terry Fox Run on Monday, September 30th. Please have your child dressed for the weather. Anyone who is able is encouraged to donate a toonie.

One final reminder... tomorrow is our first Spirit Day. The theme is Beach Day.The students may dress up as if they are going to the beach. No bathing suits however.

Enjoy the rest of the week!
Mme Jane

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

We have had an amazing start to our new school year! Today was our first day in Kindergarten with full classes! So exciting!
Just a note to let all of our Kindergarten parents know that the Parent -Teacher conferences in September are only for Grades 1-6. Your Kindergarten teachers will be at some Professional Development courses instead. You are always welcome to send us an email with any concerns or questions.
Mme Jane