Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The school year is flying by way too quickly! This Wednesday, October 30 is Wear Orange and Black Day. We will be doing this instead of costumes. 
October 31 is a PD day for the teachers so there will be no classes for the students.
On November 1 all of the staff of Calgary Catholic School District will be attending our annual Faith Day. There will be no classes for students.
Have a lovely long weekend with your families!
Mme Jane

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

We have been working hard on our oral numeracy and on our colours. This week the kindergarteners have been dancing hip hop as well. They will have a recital in the gym at 1:45 on Friday, October 25 if you would like to join us. Should any of the morning class like to come to the recital they are welcome to join in the performance with the afternoon class.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Bonjour !
I am using the classroom blog to communicate with classroom parents this year rather than emails. I am doing this for a few reasons. First of all parents often complain about the number of emails that they receive in a day and that often emails aren't seen because they get buried under other emails. Another reason is that in our modern day world some children live in a few different households. This way noone gets missed. All of this being said I will email parents individually or write in agendas if need be.
Reminder: tomorrow is school photo day!
Enjoy the sunshine!
Mme Jane