Tuesday, April 21, 2020

A beautiful Spring day! Yahoo!
Here are today's lessons:
Most children would prefer to write in capital letters because they are mostly formed with straight lines but alas... we need to practice those lower case letters.
-recognizes capital and lower case letters.
-capitalizes first letter of own name
Follow the direction of which way to form letters given in the example sheet. Have your child write their name beginning with a capital letter and then followed by lower case. They may resist if they have been starting at the bottom of their letters but just tell them that this came straight from Mme Jane! :) You can then have them practice a letter a day. I'd love photos if possible!
Creative Expression
-becomes aware of how artists use such elements as line colour and pattern to express ideas.
experiments with line, colour, shape, texture and pattern in diverse media to explore and express ideas..
-Primary colours in whatever medium you choose - coloured pencils, markers, crayons, paint
-white paper
-black marker or other medium in black
-straight edge or ruler
-Google the art works of the Dutch artist Piet Mondrian during his Neo-Plasticism period. Two very famous of his paintings are Broadway Boogie Woogie and Trafalgar Square.
-Explain that they are going to create a series of squares and rectangles on the paper with their pencil first.
-Create their own work of art in the spirit of Mondrian and use black lines between the shapes.

Today's students of the day:


