Sunday, September 13, 2020


It was so wonderful to meet with you all over the last few weeks! The Kindergarten students are all settling in nicely. They are so good at wearing their masks and at sanitizing their hands. I am so proud of them! 

You might have noticed that there are parent teacher conferences this week. They are not for the Kindergarten parents as we had ours earlier. I am always available during weekdays until 6pm to answer any of your questions however.

We have a little one with a severe nut allergy this year so please be extra vigilant with what you put in your child's snacks. Some good snack ideas are a cut up apple, a banana, cheese and crackers or a nut free granola bar. Water is the best liquid to send. Remember these are just snacks not lunches.

I'm looking forward to Monday when all of my students will be together in their class. The best line of the week came from a little girl who said to me," Mme Jane ! How did you ever know to put me beside my new best friend!"

Have a wonderful week!

Mme Jane