Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Thank you all so much for sending in photos of your children hard at work. I am cognizant of the fact that parents and older siblings who are using Google Classroom get first dibs on the family technology devices and take this into account when planning.
 Here are today's lessons:-
Outcome: Estimation and measurement of a variety of objects
1. Discuss possible non-standard measuring devices. For example, shoes, hand span, lego etc.
2. Ask your child to pick a measuring device and then choose five objects in the home to measure.
3. Have your child estimate the measure of the objects and record the estimate.
4. Have your child measure the objects using the non-standard device that they chose.
Questions- How did you make your estimate?
                   Which object was your shortest? Tallest? How do you know?
                   What did you do if it was a little more or less than a full measuring device? (For example                      three and a half shoes)
Outcome:Investigating nutritious foods, reasoning skills, fine motor control, creativity
Children enjoy talking about their favourite foods. Here are some guiding questions:
- Which do you think are the healthiest foods to eat? The unhealthiest? Tell me about your choices.
- What do you think would happen if you ate cookies for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Why?
- What is your favourite healthy snack? How many other children do you think would choose that?
- Discuss which foods are healthy and which aren't.
In their visual journals children are to draw a well balanced lunch or dinner. They can then discuss why their meal is a well balanced meal.
Here are our two hardworking students of the day!
                                        Melia                                Anders