Here are today's lessons. Hopefully they will help to keep your child engaged, learning and happy during these crazy times. Please keep those photos coming! Wishing you all health,happiness and a blessed Palm Sunday!
Palm Sunday Story Bag
-Through Lent and Easter, to experience the gift of Jesus as a trace of God.
Gift Bag
Drawing or print out of Jesus riding a donkey
Read or tell your child the story of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. You might want to mention that Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem on a donkey to symbolize that he was arriving in peace and not as a war-raging king who would be arriving on a horse.
Cut a "window "in the gift bag
You can print out the photo of Jesus riding into the city gates or the child can draw their own.
Colour Jesus,the donkey and the city gates.
Cut them out and glue them into the bag,
your child can add a road on the bottom of the bag as well and cut out and colour palm leaves to put in front of Jesus.
1.DIY Hallway Laser Maze
Creative Expression:
-experiment with line, colour, shape, texture and pattern in diverse media to explore and express ideas
-experiences body awareness
-explores familiar materials in new ways
Physical Skills and Well-Being
-experiences and develops locomotor skills through a variety of activities
-demonstrates body and space awareness when performing space awareness games
Your child will pretend that they are like the spies in movies, creeping through a laser maze without touching any of the "beams"!
-tape/string/crepe paper
Tape the crepe paper, string or tape on the wall in a zig zag pattern, back and forth, high and low, moving down the hallway. The idea is to create a maze that your child can then work their way through, like the laser mazes you often see in spy movies. Try to make the maze hard enough that your child can't just crawl under the whole thing but easy enough that your child won't be frustrated and give up.
Here's a photo to give you an idea of a potential layout.
2. Marble Box
Creative Expression
-experiment with line, colour, shape, texture and pattern in diverse media to explore and express ideas
-build and describe 3-D objects
Physical Skills and Well-Being
-develops fine motor skills involving finger speed, arm steadiness, arm and hand precision, finger and hand dexterity, and the manipulation of small materials
Coffee stir sticks,craft sticks, long ,thick noodles
Tape or glue
Box or cardboard
cups or small containers
marble or small little ball
Create a marble maze box following the photo given. The image shown was created with popsicle sticks(craft sticks) glue and tape. Drop the marble or small ball from either top corner and see which cup it ends up in.
Students of the Day!

Otto Thomas