Thursday, April 30, 2020

Happy Thursday!
Here are today's lessons:

Environment and Community Awareness
-use patterns to describe the world and to solve problems
-demonstrate an understanding of repeating patterns
-sort a set of objects based on a single attribute
-becomes aware of colours, shapes, patterns and textures in the environment
-head outside and look around for some "treasures" from nature. Examples might be various leaves, pinecones, stones etc.
-Once they have a pile of stones they are to sort them into whatever groups they choose.
-Demonstrate how to create repeating patterns with their objects.-Continue to extend the learning by pointing out patterns you see while you are out. The leaves on the trees or the way that cars are parked in the parking lot can all be used as teachable moments for pattern exploration.

- proper formation of upper and lower case letters
Today I would like students to practice the proper formation of their lower case letters again. Please see the blog post from April 21 for the examples.
today's students of the day are:

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Happy Wednesday!
Here are today's lessons:

Creative and Cultural Expression
-connects oral language with print and pictures
-understands that stories, information and personal experiences can be recorded in pictures and print and can be listened to, read or viewed.
Here is our wonderful librarian Mme Amanda with another story for the students.
- Draw a picture from the story in your visual journal.

Environment and Community Awareness
Creative and Cultural Expression
-explores and investigates objects and events in the environment.
-shows awareness of similarities and differences in living things, objects and materials.
-explores and expresses ideas, perceptions, feelings and thoughts in a variety of forms.
-Review what we learned about insects yesterday.
-Discuss that spiders are arachnids and only have two body parts, eight legs, no wings or antennae and are not able to chew.
-Ask your child,"How is this different from insects?"
-In an outdoor environment look for spiders and insects and using a magnifying glass if you have one available, identify what you are looking at.
-Once inside draw a picture of an arachnid.

Here are our students of the day!


Tuesday, April 28, 2020

I hope that everyone had a wonderful weekend!
Here are today's lessons:
Environment and Community Awareness
-explores and investigates objects and events in the environment.
-shows awareness of similarities and differences in living things, objects and materials.
Magnifying glass if available There are apps available for cell phones that enable your cell phone to work as a magnifier.
-Explain that insects have a head, thorax and abdomen and six legs and antennae. You can sing the following song to the tune of London Bridge is Falling Down to help them remember:
Head and thorax, abdomen. Abdomen, abdomen.
Head and thorax, abdomen. That's an insect.
Every insect has six legs, has six legs, has six legs.
Every insect has six legs, That's an insect.
Antennae to feel their way, feel their way, feel their way.
Antennae to feel their way, That's an insect.
-Explore outside and look for "insects". See if the creature qualifies as an insect or not.
- Once inside, draw a picture of the insect that they saw in their visual journal. If you didn't see any, draw one that perhaps you might see that would meet the criteria to be an insect.

Physical Skills and Well-Being
-experiences and develops locomotor skills through a variety of activities; e.g., walking, running, hopping, jumping, leaping, rolling, skipping, galloping, climbing, sliding
-reads own first name and recognizes the letters in one's own name
-Your child will spell out their full name and complete the activity listed for each letter. For a greater challenge include their middle name and do each one twice.

Here are our students of the day!

Friday, April 24, 2020

Bonjour! Happy Friday! Have a blessed weekend!
Here are today's lessons!

Physical Skills and Well-Being
-gross motor skills
-placemats or sheets of paper, pillows,etc.) to be stepping stones through the lava
-cards with numbers on them
-scatter your "stepping stones" around on the floor of whatever room you want to play in.
-designate a safe until all of the cards have been recovered. Celebrate your triumph over the lava!arting spot to be 'home".
-scatter the number cards around the floor, preferably on the opposite side of your lava river from your "home".
-explain to your child that you're going to pretend that the floor is lava, and their job is to rescue the cards from the lava one by one.
-call out a number for your child to rescue. They can only step on the stepping stones. If they successfully get to the card, pick it up, and return to "home "without touching the floor, they get to keep the card and get a point.
-if they touch the lava at any time, they must put the card down (if they have already gotten it), and return to "home" to try again.
-continue calling out cards for your child to rescue

Physical Skills and Well-Being
Experiences and develops locomotor activities through a variety of activities.
-Demonstrates body and space awareness.
Here are two links for some weekend yoga!

Frozen Yoga
Pokemon Yoga

Today's students of the day:



Thursday, April 23, 2020

Wishing you all a very blessed day filled with good health and cooperative children!
Today's lessons:
-explores thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences
-clarifies and extends
-Choose two of your favourite stuffies or toys and make up a little play about an adventure that they had.
-present your play to someone
-draw a picture of what your play was about.
-Recognizes the difference between a circle, square and triangle
-Relates a numeral to its quantity
Draw a square, circle and triangle on a sheet of paper like the image shown or print off the image.
discuss properties of each shape ( eg. How many sides does a triangle have? How many sides does a square have? Is one side longer than another?) You could also introduce rectangles and discuss how the are different from squares.
Once the student has traced the shape and then drawn one themselves ask them to count how many circles that they can see in the room that they are in? Triangles? Squares?
Today's students of the day:


Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Have a blessed day everyone!
Today's lessons:
-concepts of floating and sinking
-containers of any sort
-stones or some sort of waterproof objects
-sink, bathtub or large tub
Kids just generally like to slop around in water! This activity can be done inside or outside.
-give the child a large container of water outside or plop them in the bathtub inside!
-give them containers that could be "boats".
-have them estimate how many stones or other weights it would take to sink their boat.
 -predict which container takes the most stones to sink it.
- ask them if they removed the boat from the water how many stones could they fit in their boat.
-make up a story about their boat on the water.
-sort 3-D objects, using a single attribute
-sort a set of objects based on a single attribute, and explain the sorting rule
Students are to find something in their own bedroom to sort and organize. I would like before and after photos if possible. Examples could be:
-sort your sock drawer. How would you sort them? According to length?Colour?
-sort your lego according to size? Colour? Length?
-sort the clothing hanging in your closet according to items such as pants, shirts or according to colour?
-sort your books according to colour, subject, favourites etc?
Today's students of the day:

                                   Thomas                                                                            Charlie

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

A beautiful Spring day! Yahoo!
Here are today's lessons:
Most children would prefer to write in capital letters because they are mostly formed with straight lines but alas... we need to practice those lower case letters.
-recognizes capital and lower case letters.
-capitalizes first letter of own name
Follow the direction of which way to form letters given in the example sheet. Have your child write their name beginning with a capital letter and then followed by lower case. They may resist if they have been starting at the bottom of their letters but just tell them that this came straight from Mme Jane! :) You can then have them practice a letter a day. I'd love photos if possible!
Creative Expression
-becomes aware of how artists use such elements as line colour and pattern to express ideas.
experiments with line, colour, shape, texture and pattern in diverse media to explore and express ideas..
-Primary colours in whatever medium you choose - coloured pencils, markers, crayons, paint
-white paper
-black marker or other medium in black
-straight edge or ruler
-Google the art works of the Dutch artist Piet Mondrian during his Neo-Plasticism period. Two very famous of his paintings are Broadway Boogie Woogie and Trafalgar Square.
-Explain that they are going to create a series of squares and rectangles on the paper with their pencil first.
-Create their own work of art in the spirit of Mondrian and use black lines between the shapes.

Today's students of the day:




Monday, April 20, 2020

Bonjour everyone,
I hope that you all had a blessed restful and healthy Easter break.
 Here are our lessons for today:

-connects oral language with print and pictures.
-attends to print cues when stories are read aloud.
-participates in shared listening, reading and viewing experiences, using oral, print and other media texts from a variety of cultural traditions and genres, such as picture books, fairy tales, rhymes, stories, photographs, illustrations and video programs.

Mme Amanda asked if she could read you all a story! Here she is!

-represent and describe numbers 2 to 10, concretely and pictorially.
-use patters to describe the world and to solve problems.
Using paper plates or pieces of paper, arrange the numerals as they would appear on a telephone. Say the child's telephone number aloud a few times and then break it down number by number. Give the child a strip of paper with the numbers written across. See if they can find the numbers on their "phone" on the wall. When they can start to time them. Children love to be timed.

Here are today's students of the day!

Maria and her new baby brother Karlos! Congratulations!


Thursday, April 9, 2020

Have a blessed Holy Thursday everyone and a very joyful Easter holiday!

This morning I made one (actually many) final attempt to attach the Holy Thursday Power Point to this blog or even to an email. Alas, no luck. If you would like to attend a virtual mass with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary the link is It is at 7pm this evening.

Today instead of giving you lessons, I am going to give you some amazing links that you could watch as a family over the Easter break. After taking a virtual tour of the Space Station I realized that there is no way that I could ever work in such a confined space. Major claustrophobia! It was however very cool! Many thanks to our wonderful librarian, Mme Amanda for sharing those links with us!


Engineering Challenges

Chris Hatfield

Our students of the day are:   
The Callin Brothers

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

We will be having a Power Point for Holy Thursday. I've been having difficulties uploading it but as you know, I am tenacious! Be sure to check back tomorrow for our last lessons until April 20 when we "return" from Easter break.
Here are today's lessons:

-hears and identifies dominant sounds in spoken words.
-connects letters with sounds in words
Have your child go on an alphabet scavenger hunt. They are to start with an object that starts with A and then B etc.

Creative Expression
-experiments with a variety of art materials to create two and three dimensional forms.
-experiments with line, colour, shape, texture and pattern in diverse media to explore and express ideas.
-explores familiar materials in new ways.
Using cardboard create a mask. See examples below for ideas.

Today's students of the day are:

                                       Daria                                                                         Elise

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

How wonderful it was this morning to see the sun break through! Spring is coming!
Here are today's lessons:
-becomes aware of why and how ideas are communicated through art, music, movement and drama.
-becomes aware of how artists and musicians use such elements as rhythm, melody, line, colour and pattern to express ideas.
Mme Berko has sent us this link today! 

Physical Skills and Well-Being
-experiences and develops nonlocomotor skills through a variety of activities: e.g.,turning, twisting, swinging, balancing, bending, landing, stretching, curling.
-demonstrates body and space awareness when performing space awareness games.
-Trace multiple copies of hand and feet on paper(21 in all or you can do less)
-Arrange the feet and hands in groups of three. Tape to the floor.
-Time yourself to see how long it takes you to complete 7 rows.
Here are our students of the day!
                                       Lily                                                                          Lena

Monday, April 6, 2020

This week will be the most different Holy Week that we have all probably experienced. Never in our wildest dreams would we ever have imagined Holy Week with our churches being physically closed! It's up to us now to find ways to keep our Faith in our hearts and to tell the stories to our children.
Hopefully today's lessons will help:

-Through Lent and Easter, to experience the gift of life in Jesus as a trace of God.
-Through Easter symbols and activities, to experience the gift of life in Jesus as a trace of God.
-Leaf shaped pieces of paper.
-Discuss things that we are grateful for in our lives.
- Have your child draw a picture of the things that they are grateful for.
-Make a hole in the same place on each booklet and connect the pages with string or whatever you have available.
-Have your child "read" their booklet to you.

-Name the Liturgical season of Lent as preparation for Easter
The Pretzel Story
-the pretzel has a deep spiritual meaning for Lent going back over 1500 years. The pretzel is made in the shape of crossed arms, for in those days the people crossed their arms over their breasts while praying. The breads were called "little arms". later people called it a "pretzel," which we say today. Follow the recipe to bake pretzels OR you can draw and colour some.
-package of yeast (if you do not have yeast you can substitute equal parts baking soda and lemon juice ( You can also use buttermilk in place of lemon or a mixture of milk and vinegar.) to equal the amount of yeast called for.
1 and 1/2 cup of warm water
-1 teaspoon of salt
-1 tablespoon of sugar
4 cups of flour
-Dissolve 1 package of yeast in 1 and 1/2 cup of warm water
-Add 1 teaspoon salt and 1 tablespoon sugar
-Blend in 4 cups of flour.
-Knead dough until smooth. Cut into small pieces.
-Roll into ropes and twist into desired shape.
-Place on lightly greased cookie sheets.
-Brush pretzel with 1 beaten egg.
-Sprinkle with coarse salt.
-Bake at 425 degrees for 12 to 15 minutes. -For hard pretzels, use only 1 and 1/4 cup of water and add 1/4 cup of melted butter. Make pretzels smaller and bake until brown.
The Pretzel Prayer
We ask you O Lord, to bless these breads which remind us that Lent is a special season of growth and prayer. The custom of making breads in the form of arms crossed in prayer was started to keep the purpose of Lent alive in our hearts. When we see the pretzels, help us to remember to grow in love and kindness and to pray to god each day.
Today's students of the day!
Have a blessed day

Aiden                                                                           Daniella

Friday, April 3, 2020

Here are today's lessons. Hopefully they will help to keep your child engaged, learning and happy during these crazy times. Please keep those photos coming! Wishing you all health,happiness and a blessed Palm Sunday!
Palm Sunday Story Bag
-Through Lent and Easter, to experience the gift of Jesus as a trace of God.
Gift Bag
Drawing or print out of Jesus riding a donkey
Read or tell your child the story of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. You might want to mention that Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem on a donkey to symbolize that he was arriving in peace and not as a war-raging king who would be arriving on a horse.
Cut a "window "in the gift bag
You can print out the photo of Jesus riding into the city gates or the child can draw their own.
Colour Jesus,the donkey and the city gates.
Cut them out and glue them into the bag,
your child can add a road on the bottom of the bag as well and cut out and colour palm leaves to put in front of Jesus.

1.DIY Hallway Laser Maze
Creative Expression:
-experiment with line, colour, shape, texture and pattern in diverse media to explore and express ideas
-experiences body awareness
-explores familiar materials in new ways
Physical Skills and Well-Being
-experiences and develops locomotor skills through a variety of activities
-demonstrates body and space awareness when performing space awareness games
Your child will pretend that they are like the spies in movies, creeping through a laser maze without touching any of the "beams"!
-tape/string/crepe paper
Tape the crepe paper, string or tape on the wall in a zig zag pattern, back and forth, high and low, moving down the hallway. The idea is to create a maze that your child can then work their way through, like the laser mazes you often see in spy movies. Try to make the maze hard enough that your child can't just crawl under the whole thing but easy enough that your child won't be frustrated and give up.
Here's a photo to give you an idea of a potential layout.

2. Marble Box
Creative Expression
-experiment with line, colour, shape, texture and pattern in diverse media to explore and express ideas
-build and describe 3-D objects
Physical Skills and Well-Being
-develops fine motor skills involving finger speed, arm steadiness, arm and hand precision, finger and hand dexterity, and the manipulation of small materials
Coffee stir sticks,craft sticks, long ,thick noodles
Tape or glue
Box or cardboard
cups or small containers
marble or small little ball
Create a marble maze box following the photo given. The image shown was created with popsicle sticks(craft sticks) glue and tape. Drop the marble or small ball from either top corner and see which cup it ends up in.

Students of the Day!
Otto                                                                                                                 Thomas

Thursday, April 2, 2020

I've decided to add the outcomes in detail to each lesson from now on. These learner outcomes are taken directly from the Alberta Education  Kindergarten Curriculum.When planning lessons we refer to these. I thought that as parents that you might find it interesting. As a teacher I love planning lessons in which the children are learning but they are having fun at the same time!
Here are today's lessons:-

-determine the main points or ideas in a media presentation
-draws, records or tells about ideas and experiences
-seeks information from a variety of sources, such as people at school, at home, in the community, picture books, photographs and videos
-responds to and interprets visual images, by reviewing natural forms, everyday objects and artworks
Watch this video from the Calgary Zoo. I haven't yet mastered how to attach a link to this program yet so I'm afraid that you'll have to type the link into your browser for today. I'm working on it though!

 Draw your animal in the wild or in their zoo habitat in your visual journal.

-subitize (recognize at a glance) and name familiar arrangements of 1-5 objects or dots.
relate a numeral, 1-10, to its respective quantity
-compare quantities 1 to 10 using one-to-one correspondence

Anything that you can stack... blocks,lego,snap cubes ...
1. Children take turns with a partner rolling a dice and building a tower to match the size that they rolled.
2. Have your child place their towers in order from smallest to largest. If a student already has a tower of that size they skip their turn.
3. The goal is to be the first student to complete a staircase from size one to six.
How do you know the order the towers go in?
Could you use towers that you have already built to quickly know how many blocks you need for other towers/
1.Play without the dice and have students just build towers of sizes one to six and order the towers based on size.
2. Play the game with two dice trying to be the first to have a staircase of sizes two to twelve.
3. Allow building and combining of duplicate size steps. if a student has two 2s and two 3s they can combine a two and three to make their step of size five.
Our students of the day today are:

Elliana                                                                          Emmylou

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Thank you all so much for sending in photos of your children hard at work. I am cognizant of the fact that parents and older siblings who are using Google Classroom get first dibs on the family technology devices and take this into account when planning.
 Here are today's lessons:-
Outcome: Estimation and measurement of a variety of objects
1. Discuss possible non-standard measuring devices. For example, shoes, hand span, lego etc.
2. Ask your child to pick a measuring device and then choose five objects in the home to measure.
3. Have your child estimate the measure of the objects and record the estimate.
4. Have your child measure the objects using the non-standard device that they chose.
Questions- How did you make your estimate?
                   Which object was your shortest? Tallest? How do you know?
                   What did you do if it was a little more or less than a full measuring device? (For example                      three and a half shoes)
Outcome:Investigating nutritious foods, reasoning skills, fine motor control, creativity
Children enjoy talking about their favourite foods. Here are some guiding questions:
- Which do you think are the healthiest foods to eat? The unhealthiest? Tell me about your choices.
- What do you think would happen if you ate cookies for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Why?
- What is your favourite healthy snack? How many other children do you think would choose that?
- Discuss which foods are healthy and which aren't.
In their visual journals children are to draw a well balanced lunch or dinner. They can then discuss why their meal is a well balanced meal.
Here are our two hardworking students of the day!
                                        Melia                                Anders                                         

Thank you so much for the photos of your children hard at work on their activities.  Would you please let me know if I have permission to post them on our classroom blog when you send them .
 Here are today's lessons:-

Today we have a music lesson from St. Luke's very own Mme Berko!
Here is the link:

Outcome: Measuring volume
-dry rice,beans or sand
-measuring cups
- plastic or metal containers of different shapes and sizes
-measuring spoons (optional)
-  large shallow container (optional)
1. Pour the rice into a large shallow container and add measuring cups, spoons, and several containers of various sizes. Don't have a large enough container? Just pour rice into a container wide enough to scoop from. Setting it up on a tablecloth will help with the clean-up.
2. Ask your child which container could hold the most rice. Ask them to compare different pairs of containers to figure out which one holds the most. They might be surprised to find out that several differently shaped containers might hold the same amount.
3. Allow your child to explore on their own.

Here are today's students of the day:-

Natalie                                                                                Sophia